Alister McGrath

Online Event : Religion and Science

Well known as the ecclesiastical capital of Ireland, Armagh is also famous for its renowned Observatory, the oldest scientific research institution in Northern Ireland. Established in 1790, the Observatory was the last of Archbishop Richard […]

Videos for Lockdown : Storytelling in Armagh Robinson Library title screen

Videos for Lockdown : Storytelling

The next video in our Lockdown series is for children (P1-P4), but we are sure adults will enjoy it as well! Well known storyteller, Liz Weir, and Rachel Toner, our Visitor Engagement Officer, retell some […]

Logo Wee Crittters Interactive Animal Education

Amazing Animals : an online family event

As we continue our 250th anniversary celebrations, Armagh Robinson Library invites primary school age children and their adults to join us for Amazing Animals, an online family event. This event to be held on Saturday […]

Videos for Lockdown : Music in Armagh Robinson Library

Videos for Lockdown : Music

The next instalment of the Lockdown Videos on music was produced with the help of Stephen Timpany, Organist and Master of the Choristers in St Patrick’s CoI Cathedral, Armagh. The video shows examples of what […]