Committee members of the Church of Ireland Historical Society with the four speakers for this year’s Spring Conference. Standing from left are Commitee members: Revd Dr Adrian Empey, Hon. Secretary; Mr Raymond Twomey, Hon. Treasurer; Mr George Woodman; Dr Kenneth Milne; Professor David Hayton. Seated from left were the Conference Speakers: Dr Patrick Little; Ms Kathryn Sawyer; The Very Revd Gregory Dunstan, Conference Chairman; Ms Barbara McCormack and Dr Coleman Dennehy.
Kathryn Sawyer is recognised for having won the 2016 Church of Ireland Historical Society’s W.G. Neely Prize. Kathryn receives her prize from Dean Gregory Dunstan, Keeper of the Library and Conference Chairman. Also featured is Revd Dr Adrian Empey, Hon. Secretary.
Image credits: Ian Maginess