P001809292 Raccolta di alcuni Disegni del Barberi da Cento detto Il Guercino Francesco Bartolozzi, Engraver; [et al.], Engraver; Guercino (Barbieri, Giovanni Francesco), Artist (1591 - 1666); Generoso Salomone [Giovanni Generoso Salomone], Publisher (fl. 1744 - 1779) 1764
P001809306 Le antichitaฬ di Pozzuoli, Baja, e Cuma : the antiquities of Pozzuoli, Baja and Cuma Morghen, Filippo, Engraver 1766
P001815098 Imagines Veteris ac Novi Testamenti. Aquila, Pietro, Engraver; Raphael, Engraver; Fantetti, Cesare, Engraver; Rossi, Giovanni Giacomo de, Engraver 1674
P001818407 Divers Paysages dediez a Messire Jean Paul Bignon Conseiller d'Estat ordinaire abbรฉ de St Quentin. Par son tres humble et tres obeissant serviteur Francois Silvestre Silvestre, Louis, Artist (1669 - 1740); Silvestre, Franรงois, Publisher (*1620); Quineau, Gedeon, Engraver; Devin, F., Engraver 1650 - 1740

P001818408 Divers Paysages dediez a Monseigneur Louis de Rochechouart Duc de Mortemart Pair de France Prince de Tonnaij-charante &c. Par son tres humble et tres obeissant serviteur F. Silvestre Silvestre, Louis, Artist (1669 - 1740); Silvestre, Franรงois, Publisher (*1620); Nicolas Chateau, Engraver (1680 - 1750); Devin, F., Engraver 1650 - 1740

P001818409 Fille armeniene qui va se marier, conduite a l'eglise par deux vieuilles matrones; Financรฉe Grecque sur un sopha; armenien qui va a l'eglise pour se marier accompagnรฉ du compere qui porte son sabre. Picart, Bernard, Engraver (1673 - 1733) 1734

P001818411 Archipetre, ou Protopapas; Patriarche de Constantinople; Eueque benissant les eaux. Picart, Bernard, Engraver (1673 - 1733) 1732
P001818412 Pretre Armenien, en habit sacerdotal; diacre Armenien; sousdiacre; Deuil de Zurich; Moines Armeniens, vus par devant, et par derriere on voit dans le lointain le Mont Ararat, et les trois Eglises. Picart, Bernard, Engraver (1673 - 1733) 1732
P001818413 Eueque Moscovite en habit pontifical; Eueque Moscovite en habits ordinaires. Picart, Bernard, Engraver (1673 - 1733) 1732
P001818414 Deuil d'Augsbourg; deuil des Frisones; deuil de Sardam. Picart, Bernard, Engraver (1673 - 1733) 1732
P001818415 Sous les traits delicats d'une adroite peinture; alunt cygnos et flumina nostra Picart, Bernard, Engraver (1673 - 1733); Fourdrinier, P, Engraver 1734
P001859230 Ceiling frescos of the Hall of Mars in the Pallazzo Pitti Blondeau, Jacques, Engraver (1655 - 1698); Cortona, Pietro Berrettini Da, Artist (1596 - 1669); Rossi, Giovanni Giacomo de, Publisher (1627 - 1691) c. 1677
P001859236 Christianissimo Regi Dignum Mundo, Angelis et Homnibus Christi Patientis Spectaculum / the Crucifixion of Christ Edelinck, Gรฉrard, Engraver (1640 - 1707); Le Brun, Charles, Artist (1619 - 1690) 1655 - 1707
P001863815 Capricci di varie figure di Iacopo Callot Callot, Jacques, Engraver (1592 - 1635); Silvestre, Israel, Publisher (1621 - 1691) 1621
P001864279 Le Christ mourant sur la croix ; Christ Dying on the Cross Morin, Jean, Engraver (1605 - 1650); Champaigne, Philippe de, Artist (1602 - 1674) 1620 - 1650
P001872539 Conquetes de Louis Le Grand Roy de France et de Navarre. Le Clerc, Sebastien, I, Artist (1637 - 1714); Kรผsel, Johanna Sibylla, Engraver (*1665) 1703 - 1717
P001873438 Allegorical scenes of the four elements: earth, wind, water and fire. Le Clerc, Sebastien, I, Engraver (1637 - 1714); Le Brun, Charles, Artist (1619 - 1690) 1668
P001873439 Allegorical scenes of the four seasons. Le Clerc, Sebastien, I, Engraver (1637 - 1714); Le Brun, Charles, Artist (1619 - 1690) 1668
P001874493 Dame en Deshabillรฉ allant Par la Ville; Habit de Ville; Dame en Habit de Chambre De Saint Jean, I.D., Engraver s.a.
P001874507 Fountains Le Pautre, Jean, Engraver (1618 - 1682); Le Blond, Jean, Printer (ca. 1635-1709) s.a.
P001874558 Tabernacles pour orner et embellir les autels nouvellement inventez et gravez par I. le Pautre; Nouvelles inventions pour faire les banes des oeuur; Inventions pour faire des Plaques ou des Eau-bรฉnitiers , servant aux Orsรจvres, nouvellement dessinรฉes & gravรฉes par J. le Pautre. Le Pautre, Jean, Engraver (1618 - 1682); Mariette, Pierre I, Publisher (1603 - 1658) 17th century
P001874559 Scenes from classical mythology Le Pautre, Jean, Engraver (1618 - 1682); Mariette, Pierre I, Publisher (1603 - 1658) 17th century
P001874760 Ornamental border designs Mariette, Pierre I, Engraver (1603 - 1658) 17th century 1st half
P001875198 Quaestio Theologica Quando Evacuabitur Quod Ex Parte Est I aD Corinth. XIII. Mellan, Claude, Engraver (1598 - 1688) 1648
P001875199 Quaestio Theologica Quando Evacuabitur Quod Ex Parte Est I aD Corinth. XIII. Mellan, Claude, Engraver (1598 - 1688) 1648
P001876356 Scenes from the Life of Saint Bernard/Bruno. Mellan, Claude, Engraver (1598 - 1688) [s.a.]
P001877123 Femme en priรจres assise sur un rocher : Woman praying, sitting on a rock ; Victorious Venus; Woman Standing by a Plinth. Mellan, Claude, Engraver (1598 - 1688) 17th century
P001877145 Untitled. Containing keys and mitre Jean Louis Roullet, Engraver (1645 - 1699) 17th century 2nd half
P001882089 Diverces veues du Chateau Meudon, apartenant le Dauphin. dessinรฉes sur le natural, en 1733 : 3 views of Catheau Meudon. Rigaud, Jacques, Engraver (1681 - 1754) 1733
P001882186 Diverces vuรซs du Chateau Royal de Marli prรจs de Versailles : Views on the Cateau Royal de Marli. Rigaud, Jacques, Engraver (1681 - 1754) 18th century 1st half
P001882208 Diverses veue de St Cloud apartenant a Mgr le Duc d'Orlean : Views of the Chateau St Cloud. Rigaud, Jacques, Engraver (1681 - 1754) 1730
P001882275 Diverses veues de la maison Royale de Fontainebleau dessinรฉes sur le lieux : Views of the Royal House Fontainbleau. Rigaud, Jacques, Engraver (1681 - 1754) 1738
P001882283 Diverses veรผes du Chateau de Chantilli. a son altesse serenissime Monseigneur le Duc : Views of the Chateau de Chantilli. Rigaud, Jacques, Engraver (1681 - 1754) 1739
P001882321 Two views of Chateau Royal de Vincene Rigaud, Jacques, Engraver (1681 - 1754) 18th century 1st half
P001882348 Two views of the Maison Royalle de Choisy. Rigaud, Jacques, Engraver (1681 - 1754) 18th century 1st half
P001882356 Two views of la Maison Royalle d'Anet Rigaud, Jacques, Engraver (1681 - 1754) 18th century 1st half
P001882372 Two views of the Chateaux de St Germain-En-Laye. Rigaud, Jacques, Engraver (1681 - 1754) 18th century 1st half
P001882380 Vรผe du Chateau Royal d'Amboise : Four prints of three views of the Chateau Royal of Amboise: Vรผe du Chateau Royal d'Ambiose; Autre vรผe du Chateau Royal d'Ambiose du cotรฉ des champs; Troisieme vรผe du Chateau Royal d'Ambiose [duplicates, one trimmed] Rigaud, Jacques, Engraver (1681 - 1754) 18th century 1st half
P001886343 Vestigi delle antichita di Roma, Tivoli, Pozzvolo et altri luochi. Sadeler, Marcus Cristoph/Marco, Publisher (1614 - after 1650); Sadeler, Aegidius/Giles, II, Engraver (c. 1570 - 1629) 1606
P001895172 Diverse Paisages dediez a Monseigneur Le Marquis de Beringhen, par son tres humble et tres obeissant serviteur Francois Silvestre. Silvestre, Louis, Artist (1669 - 1740); Silvestre, Franรงois, Publisher (*1620); Moyse, C., Engraver; Silvestre, Alexandre, Engraver (*1672); Devin, F. 1650 - 1740
P001895393 Twelve Months [set] (P001895394-P001895405] Stevens, Pieter/ Stephanus, Petrus, Artist (1567 - 1624); Sadeler, Aegidius/Giles, II, Engraver (c. 1570 - 1629) 17th century 1st half
P002472983 Portraits of Thomas Howard Duke of Norfolk, Fisher Bishop of Rochester, Sir Francis Drake, George Villiers Duke of Buckingham. John & Paul Knapton [J. & P. Knapton], Publisher; Jacob Houbraken, Engraver (1698 - 1780); Hans Holbein, Artist (1497 - 1543); Cornelis Johnson, Artist (1593 - 1661) 1730-1750
P002472984 Portraits of Anne of Denmark Queen of King James I, Thomas Sackville Earl of Dorset ..., Oliver Cromwell, Archbishop Tillotson, Oliver Cromwell. Jacob Houbraken, Engraver (1698 - 1780); Godfrey Kneller, Artist (1646 - 1723); Cornelis Johnson, Artist (1593 - 1661); George Vertue, Engraver (1684 - 1756); Samuel Cooper, Artist (1609 - 1672); John & Paul Knapton [J. & P. Knapton], Publisher 1730-1750
P002472985 Portraits of Catherine Howard Queen of King Henry VIII, William Warham Archbishop of Canterbury ..., George Abbot Archbishop of Canterbury, Sidney Earl of Godolphin ... Houbraken, Jacob, Engraver (1698 - 1780); Kneller, Godfrey, Artist (1646 - 1723); George Vertue, Engraver (1684 - 1756); Holbein, Hans, Artist (1497 - 1543); John & Paul Knapton, Publisher 1730-1750
P002472986 Portraits of Mary Queen of Scots, Robert Devereux Earl of Essex, Charles Mordaunt Earl of Peterborough, Ben. Johnson Houbraken, Jacob, Engraver (1698 - 1780); Kneller, Godfrey, Artist (1646 - 1723); Oliver, Isaac, Artist (1565 - 1617); John & Paul Knapton, Publisher 1738
P002472987 Portraits of Sir William Temple, Cardinal Wolsey, Lieutenant General Talmash. Sir Isaac Newton [latter is missing, as well as the cover] Houbraken, Jacob, Engraver (1698 - 1780); Kneller, Godfrey, Artist (1646 - 1723); Lely, Peter, Artist (1618 - 1680); John & Paul Knapton, Publisher 1738
P002472988 Portraits of Edward Seymour [Duke of Somerset], Thomas Lord Fairfax, Algernoon Piercy Earl of Northumberland, Daniel Finch Earl of Nottingham Houbraken, Jacob, Engraver (1698 - 1780); Kneller, Godfrey, Artist (1646 - 1723); Holbein, Hans, Artist (1497 - 1543); Samuel Cooper, Artist (1609 - 1 1738
P002472989 Portraits of William of Wickham Bishop of Winchester, Robert Dudley Earl of Leicester, George Lord Digby Earl of Bristol, John Thurlow Secretary to Oliver Cromwell Houbraken, Jacob, Engraver (1698 - 1780); Samuel Cooper, Artist (1609 - 1672); Dyck, Anthony van, Artist (1599 - 1641); John & Paul Knapton, Publisher 1738
P002472990 Portraits of William Russell Earl of Bedford, Sir Nicolas Bacon Lord-Keeper to Queen Elizabeth, John Pym Esq., Anthony Ashley Cooper Earl of Shaftesbury Houbraken, Jacob, Engraver (1698 - 1780); Samuel Cooper, Artist (1609 - 1672); Dyck, Anthony van, Artist (1599 - 1641); John & Paul Knapton, Publisher 1738
P002472991 Portraits of William Cecil Lord Burleigh ..., Sir Francis Walsingham Secretary of State to Queen Elizabeth, Sir Francis Bacon Viscount St Albans, James Ussher Archbishop of Armagh. Jacob Houbraken, Engraver (1698 - 1780); Frederico Zucchero [Federico Zuccaro], Artist (1541 - 1609); George Vertue, Engraver (1684 - 1756); Peter Lely, Artist (1618 - 1680); John & Paul Knapton [J. & P. Knapton], Publisher 1738
P002472992 Portraits of Thomas Cromwell Earl of Essex, Charles Howard Earl of Nottingham ..., Henry Prince of Wales ..., John Locke Esq. Houbraken, Jacob, Engraver (1698 - 1780); Zuccaro, Federico/Zucchero, Frederico, Artist (1541 - 1609); George Vertue, Engraver (1684 - 1756); Holbein, Hans, Artist (1497 - 1543); Oliver, Isaac, Artist (1565 - 1617); John & Paul Knapton, Publisher 1738
P002472993 Portraits of John Russell the first Earl of Bedford, Frederick Duke of Schonberg, Henry Bennet Earl of Arlington, Ann Bullen Queen of King Henry VIII Houbraken, Jacob, Engraver (1698 - 1780); Kneller, Godfrey, Artist (1646 - 1723); Lely, Peter, Artist (1618 - 1680); Holbein, Hans, Artist (1497 - 1543) 1739
P002472994 Portraits of Sir Walter Raleigh, William Cavendish Duke of Newcastle, William Lord Russell, William Harvey M.D. Houbraken, Jacob, Engraver (1698 - 1780); George Vertue, Engraver (1684 - 1756); Kneller, Godfrey, Artist (1646 - 1723); Bemmel, Jacob van, Artist 1739
P002472995 Portraits of Ann of Cleves Queen of King Henry VIII, James Graham Marques of Montrose, Lieutenant-General Lambert, the honourable Robert Boyle Esq. Houbraken, Jacob, Engraver (1698 - 1780); Holbein, Hans, Artist (1497 - 1543); Dyck, Anthony van, Artist (1599 - 1641); Walker, Robert, Artist (1600 - 1659)
P002472996 Portraits of James Stuart Duke of Richmond and Lenox, Charles Lord Talbot Lord High Chancellor, John Hampden, George Morley Bishop of Winchester Houbraken, Jacob, Engraver (1698 - 1780); Lely, Peter, Artist (1618 - 1680); Dyck, Anthony van, Artist (1599 - 1641); John Vanderbank, Artist (1694 - 1739) 1740
P002472997 Portraits of Francis Russell Second Earl of Bedford, John Duke of Lauderdale, George Saville Marquis of Halifax, Lieutenant-General Fleetwood Houbraken, Jacob, Engraver (1698 - 1780); Lely, Peter, Artist (1618 - 1680); Walker, Robert, Artist (1600 - 1659); John & Paul Knapton, Publisher 1740
P002472998 Portraits of James Earl of Morton 1581, Sir Thomas More, Thomas Wentworth Earl of Strafford, Henry Boyle Lord Carleton Houbraken, Jacob, Engraver (1698 - 1780); Holbein, Hans, Artist (1497 - 1543); Dyck, Anthony van, Artist (1599 - 1641); Kneller, Godfrey, Artist (1646 -1723) 1740 - 1741
P002472999 Portraits of Geoffrey Chaucer, Thomas Lord Coventry Lord Keeper, Laurence Hyde Earl of Rochester, Sir William Wyndham Bart. Houbraken, Jacob, Engraver (1698 - 1780); Kneller, Godfrey, Artist (1646 - 1723); John & Paul Knapton, Publisher 1741 - 1742
P002473000 Portraits of Sir Edward Coke Lord Chief Justice, John Milton, General Ireton, Thomas Otway Houbraken, Jacob, Engraver (1698 - 1780); Samuel Cooper, Artist (1609 - 1672); Beal, Mary, Artist (1633 - 1699); John & Paul Knapton, Publisher 1741 - 1742
P002473001 Portraits of George Buchanan, Archbishop Williams Lord Keeper, Robert Bertie Earl of Lindsey, Edward Sachville Earl of Dorset Houbraken, Jacob, Engraver (1698 - 1780); Samuel Cooper, Artist (1609 - 1672); Pourbus I, Frans, Artist (1569 - 1622); Johnson, Cornelis, Artist (1593) 1741 - 1742
P002473002 Portraits of William Waynfleet Bishop of Winchester, Sir Henry Vane, Thomas Wilis M.D., Edward Russel Earl of Oxford Houbraken, Jacob, Engraver (1698 - 1780); Lely, Peter, Artist (1618 - 1680); George Vertue, Engraver (1684 - 1756); Kneller, Godfrey, Artist (1646) 1742 - 1743
P002473061 Set of four caricatures: Mr F-te; Orator, & Mimick; Mr St-p-ns, Orator; Mr M--k-n Orator; the Rev Mr H-n-y Orator, grown lean Ghezzi, Pierre Leone, Artist (1674 - 1755); Arthur Pond, Engraver (1701 - 1758); George Junior Bickham, Publisher (1706 - 1771); [s.n.], Engraver 1738
P002473086 The battle of the Greeks and the Amazons Rubens, Peter Paul, Artist (1577 - 1640); Landry, Franรงois, Publisher c. 1662
P002474416 Vue particuliere de Toloze : View of Toulouse Collignon, Franรงois, Engraver (1610 - 1687); L, L. de, Intermediate draughtsman 1642
P002474465 Raccolta di alcuni Disegni del Barberi da Cento detto Il Guercino Bartolozzi, Francesco, Engraver; [et al.], Engraver; Guercino (Barbieri, Giovanni Francesco), Artist (1591 - 1666); Giovanni Generoso Salomone, Publisher 1764
P002477759 Altarpiece of the Basilica of Santa Giustina in Padua Paolo Veronese, Artist (1528 - 1588); Agostino Carracci, Engraver (1557 - 1602) 1582
P002477898 Varie inventioni per depositi di Bernardino Radi cortonese Bernardino Radi, Designer (1581 - 1642) 1625
P002477917 Illustrations: Pompa funebre nell'esequie celebrate in Roma al Cardinal Mazarini nella chiesa de SS Vincenzo e Anastasio Elpidio Benedetti, Designer 1659
P002477924 Classical architecture frescoes with caryatids Jean-Baptiste de Poilly, Engraver (1669 - 1728); Pierre Mignard, Artist (1612 - 1695) 17th century 2nd half
P002477930 Ecole d'amour; Quelle cette fileuse...; Spring; Autumn Nicolas de Larmessin III, Engraver (1684 - 1755); Rosalba Carriera [La Rosalba], Artist
P002478003 Series of five friezes with sea monsters Jan Theodor de Bry, Engraver; Giovanni Andrea Maglioli, Artist, after