Opening Hours Library

All year round

Monday to Friday

10am-1pm & 2-4pm

Opening Hours No 5

Prebooked visit only.

To book, email:

Admission Fees

Library & No 5


Donations welcome

Group Visits

Full tour of the Library, No.5
and the Cathedral.


Per person

Group Visit

Part tour of one or two of the venues


Per person per venue


The Library and No 5 are closed on Bank Holidays, Morning on the Hill group visits and special events.

Please check our calendar for special closures and adjusted opening hours before making your journey!

Groups visits also need to be pre-booked. Please visit our group visit page for more information.

To ensure we can give our undivided attention to both our casual visitors and group visits, we close the Library and No 5 to other visitors when we have group tours booked in.

We recommend that researchers book their visit as well, to ensure we have research material ready upon their arrival.